Elighten your life... Ilumina tu vida...

Since 1997 I have devoted my work as a writer, illustrator and content creator to spread de love for classical music and opera, especially among children, while addressing educators (parents, teachers...). Along with the years, my educational contents have been published in different formats following the digital transformation. There are more that 30 published titles you may still find on the web, including the Cuéntame una Ópera, a pioneer collection.

Since 2017, considering the new technological challenges and disappointed by how the web 2.0 was treating authors, I got interested in the upcoming Internet. I started researching about the best ways to adopt new technologies to communicate, this time without loosing fundamental rights such as Privacy, Intellectual Property and Freedom of Speech. This is how I got involved in the 'blockchain revolution', and I begun looking for solutions for independent artists on the Internet of Value.

In 2024, as a collaborator at Mirlo Studio, I am following my journey towards the Internet of Value,
exploring the opportunities in art and education, also as a member of Smartists. On top of that, I opened a time for reflection before getting started with new creative projects.

In 2025 I am starting a new stage in the Internet of Value, with a new web, news works and new media...

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Georgina Mauriño 2022

Since 1997

Author and Illustrator with a calling to share the educational power of classical music and opera.
More that 30 titles published.
· Biography
· Video-résumé 1997-2017 (3')
· Some other videos.

Mirlo logo square

Intellectual Property management on the web3.
Researching and developing tech solutions for independent artists' self-management, respecting their fundamental rights.
Exploring the new Internet of Value looking for  opportunities in art and education.


Back to writing, illustrating...  
No rush, but steadily starting a new stage in life and as an author.
Using new tools for creation and management of my work on the Internet of Value.
New website
New Podcast/Newsletter
New Online presence

© Georgina Mauriño, 2024.